📚You Said What?!: The Biggest Communication Mistakes Professionals Make (A Confident Communicator’s Guide) Communication is a measure of how we are heard. It's not about us; it is about how the other person perceives our message. If you are not where you should be in your career, the problem may very well be how you communicate. You Said What?! is an action-oriented book that gives you solid techniques that can be used right away to achieve effective results, including: Quick tips and strategies on communication skills. Real-life stories of how business communication can impact your career. Tools that help you be understood and heard. You Said What?! will help you strengthen your message by planning and sharpening your communication skills 📚You Did What?!: The Biggest Blunders Professionals Make (A Confident Communicator’s Guide) A study of thousands of fired employees, conducted by Harvard University's Bureau of Vocational Guidance, revealed that for every one person fired for performance-related issues, two lost their jobs for failure to deal successfully and professionally with other people. Setting yourself apart in today's highly competitive business environment takes thought and planning. Not only must you have excellent job skills, you must also have excellent people skills. You Did What?! gives you solid techniques that can be used right away to achieve effective results, including: Quick tips and strategies on professional behaviors. Real-life stories of how business behavior can make or break your career. Tools to compete with and differentiate yourself from your competitors Whether you are a seasoned executive or a recent college graduate, You Did What?! will prepare you to handle a wide variety of business situations correctly.

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